Converting M4R to AIFF is also included.ĭownload and install Leawo Video Converter (It is a module built in Leawo Prof. Featuring an audio converter, Leawo Video Converter enables you to convert audio files between various formats including MP3 to AAC, FLAC to AAC, WAV to M4R, WAV to MP3, AAC to WAV, M4A to M4R, MP3 to M4R, etc. You could search on google with keywords “m4r to aiff converter”, and get multiple choices, among which Leawo Video Converter would be your first choice. To convert M4R to AIFF, you need a professional M4R to AIFF audio converter. Part 1: How to Convert M4R to AIFF with Leawo Video Converter
Part 3: How to Convert M4R to AIFF with Movavi.Part 2: 2 Online Free Audio Converters to Convert M4R to AIFF.Part 1: How to Convert M4R to AIFF with Leawo Video Converter.